Modern internet space caused evolution of work and perception of image. That web movement of thinking about image made users totally free to make, remake and remix works. It's all habe been socialized. Regular users can intuitively use art strategies in their normal internet living. This is my diploma work in Applied and Advertising photograhy studio on Faculty of Art a Design JEPU. Thesis is in Czech so here are a few notes to visuals.

Instalation is surrounded around photography of Mona Lisa.
Entire diploma thesis is based on quote by Oliver Wasow in article Has facebook killed a photography? in Arts in America, where he said in the conversation: "For the most people Mona Lisa is a photography."
It's common to teories by Lev Manovich, where we can see connections of today's perception of image in the digital world.
Mona Lisa [photography of the painting] is printed as a photography. The biggest I found on Google in 240 dpi. Photography is fairly more than two times bigger than original fabulous painting.

I made a journey to a hill, all recorded with selfie stick and shot a panorama with cellphone. Then I upload postprocessed photography to Facebook and recorded how long it'll stay on the top of News Feed.

I took many pictures on my cellphone. Sometimes I tease users of various cellphone shot galleries with my low contrast pictures. Once user "janbohac" edited my photo by his view.
That's sweet. As social media are simplyfiing rating of quality of image to hearts, stars and thumbs, this kind of social galleries are still strong in commenting photography.
For a laymen this simple edits could be unvisible. For a photographer there's obvious used tools.
I made little code from all my shots at this gallery randomly paired with universal comments to others shots on the website.

Walker Evans took famous photographs for FSA. In 1980 Sherrie Levine exposed his shots and made her exhibitions of them called After Walker Evans. In 2001 Michael Mandiberg made a website with scanned Levine's shots [Walker Evans's shots] and spread them on his website After Sherrie Levine in the best quality. In 2015 I made Facebook fan site After Michael Mandiberg. Full resolution of Mandiberg's pictures have been compressed to website regular 2048px wide size and framed to UI for this social network.